Happy hump day! (EDIT: It’s Tuesday, k bye.) // I’m posting two gift guides today… one for the men in your life and one for the kiddos. I made sure to include things that we already have and love, things I’m shopping for, and what Vivi shows interest in (she’ll be three in March).
- Floral pajamas: I listed these as an idea to family members asking what they could get our daughter. They have amazing reviews, go up to 8T, come in tons of patterns (BOY patterns, too) and they’re affordable. We also have this pair of pajamas and LOVE THEM (a friend highly recommended them and they’re amazing).
- Moon pillow: Vivi loves pillows and I thought this would look so cute in her new “big girl” room.
- Tricycle/Bicycle: I love this vintage look and the basket on it!
- Camera: this bunny digital camera also has boy version/colors, too. It has a shockproof shell, auto focus and is very kid friendly. Tons of great reviews. Affordable.
- Dr. Martens booties: I want these for Viv. Perfect for boys/girls.
- Dinosaur night light
- Studio in a Box: this made it on Oprah’s favorites 2019 list and I love that it has a little bit of everything in it.
- Tubby Todd bundle: I am obsessed with all of our Tubby Todd products and have used them since Vivi was little.
- Owleez: It’s an interactive pet that can fly, respond to touch/movement and care.
- Battery car: We got this for Vivi (shhh, don’t tell!). After a lot of research, this one had the best reviews.
- Initial barrettes: these are 2 for $12 right now and come in several colors. I am obsessed and ordering a V and M for us to match, haha!
- Neon light up glow pads: My friend Emily posted about these and I thought they were so cool and affordable and MESS FREE.
Alsooooo, not on the gift guide BUT I ordered this flannel for Vivi recently and this beanie to go with it. I saw @heymadinelson’s little boy, Easton, wearing it and thought it was so precious.
Hope this is helpful! Let me know what you’re shopping for in the comments and for anyone else reading looking for ideas. ALSO reminder, when you click on my links and make a purchase (doesn’t have to be what I linked), I make a small commission off of that sale. Thank you so much ?