Buckle in y’all… we’re talking ALL things botox (and more)! I’m so excited to spill the beans and share my experience with you. Most importantly, per your request and YOUR questions, I’m pumped to share a Q&A with Dr. North at Runnels and North Plastic Surgery. Okay, let’s go…

First and foremost, I want to DEBUNK the notion that botox “makes you look frozen and plastic” and that “you can’t move your face”. Nopeeee. Subtleness is key!! There are 43 muscles in the face…43! In the state of Mississippi, any licensed physician, nurse, or physician assistant working under a doctor’s supervision can perform injections SO make sure you leave your treatments in the hands of someone you trust and have researched… Like a board certified plastic surgeon that knows exactly what muscles to target, how much product to use and how often you will likely need treatments to achieve your goals. SO can you look frozen and plastic?! In the wrong hands, absolutely. Here is my before/after botox picture (taken 5 weeks apart)… Soft, natural look.
I got my first botox treatment when I was 29 year old after I stopped breastfeeding with my first child. My husband didn’t even notice. I’ve gotten several treatments since and he NEVER notices. Honestly, no one does but you! To me, it feels and looks like you’ve had the best facial of your life. I noticed that my makeup goes on smoother and that “refreshed look” lasts MONTHS! Below are some pictures taken 2 weeks apart (before/after) to show you what a botox treatment can do…
WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG?! My exact thoughts after. I think, for the most part, it’s because I was uneducated. None of my friends were talking about it and I didn’t know this solution existed to solve so many of the problems and frustrations I was living with. Which segments into the second part of this post…
Q & A with Dr. North

Y’all, meet Dr. North! He is an award winning plastic surgeon bringing unparalleled experience from the prestigious University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Hospital in Lexington. Aside from his insanely impressive resume, you’ll find Dr. North to be really approachable and very down-to-earth. I can’t recommend him enough if you live in/around Jackson, MS.
What does it cost?
At Runnels and North Plastic Surgery, botox is $12 per unit. Fillers start at $380 per treatment. Most of my patients notice improvements after botox in the first few days but results peak at 14 days. I start subtle with patients using the minimal amount of botox or filler needed to achieve balanced harmony, then I see them back in 2 to 3 weeks and we can do enhancements at that point.
How long does it last?
Botox lasts 3 to 4 months depending on how quickly your body metabolizes it. Plastic surgery training is all about anatomy, and that knowledge plays a huge role in getting repeatable, successful outcomes when using injectables.
Is there noticeable bruising?
Occasionally patients can experience slight bruising as a result of their injectable treatments, but there are things you can do to prevent this!
- Avoid OTC pain relievers (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Aleve) 1 week prior
- Avoid supplements that have St. John’s Wort, gingko, ginseng, and Vitamin E for 1 week prior
- Avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior
- Arnica is a non-drowsy, natural pain relief dissolving table that help to alleviate swelling and bruising. I have my patients order this on Amazon and it definitely decreases bruising after lip filler treatments
Do the “Quotes” in the forehead need botox or filler?
The quotes (I assume the up and down lines) are due to the contraction of your corrugator muscles in the forehead. These are treated with botox. 15 to 20 units will help soften these lines.
Fillers vs. Botox?
Fillers help accentuate your facial features, they are used to increase volume where your may have a deficit… Cheeks, chin, lips, under the eyes.
Botox helps relax your muscles in the forehead, around the lips, the dimples on the chin, and around the eyes, to keep those pesky fine lines from turning into wrinkles which lead to folds.
What’s not safe when breastfeeding?
There is no data that shows that botox can or cant be used when breast feeding but I recommend my patients avoid cosmetic injections while breastfeeding.
What are the negative effects of Botox long term? Does it make you sag more eventually?
No proven negative effects long term. I am seeing more and more patients in their early 20s get botox as a preventative measure. FINE LINES TURN TO WRINKLES and WRINKLES TURN TO FOLDS. By treating fine lines early with botox you are less likely to develop folds. Folds can’t be helped with botox.
Botox does not help to prevent sagging. It helps to prevent heavy folds in the forehead and around the eyes. Fillers can help redistribute volume to the cheeks, lips, and around the eyes. Surgery is the gold standard for sag.
How can I fix the hollowness of my eyes?! My 30’s hate me
Volbella is a very fine filler that can help treat orbital hollowing and dark circles. See my Instagram post HERE for more on that.
What should your daily skin care routine be?
Everybody is a skin care expert these days and seems to have intimate knowledge about products and some even sell it out of the trunk of their cars… You see it all over Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Most patients, I have found, just get overwhelmed because their bathroom countertop has 15 different bottles of cream for their skin care regimen… (WHO has time for that?)
Start simple: A daily facial cleanser, daily exfoliating polish, and nightly tretinoin (Retin A). Retin A is the gold standard for topical skin therapy. It requires a prescription. Retinol is the weaker form and does not require a prescription.
Benefits of Dermaplane?
Dermaplaning results in smoother skin. It is mechanical exfoliation of the face and it helps other topical treatments penetrate to deeper levels.
Best OTC retinol??
Retinol OTC is much weaker than prescription-grade retinoid. Prescription strength Retin-A or tretinoin should be used at night. It comes in different strengths so you will want to start at a low strength because it can cause skin sensitivity and redness. It is powerful so just use a pea size amount.
What should we be using daily just for aging prevention?
Sunscreen and Retina
What are natural remedies?
Avoid sun damage!!!. Sunscreen—- Skin is the largest organ in your body. It protects you from damaging sunlight that causes accelerated aging. On top of that you start losing 1.5% of your collagen per year in your 20s. This loss results in wrinkles, fine lines, and dry, blemished, thinning skin.
ANDDD THAT’S A WRAP, friends! I’d love your feedback and your takeaways; did you learn anything new? Drop a comment below or shoot me a message. Let me know what topics you want to discuss further.
- Local peeps: make sure to visit Dr. North at Runnels and North Plastic Surgery (you can call their office at 601.939.9778 to set up an appointment)