
    Create & Cultivate Chicago Conference 2018

    YALL, I can’t even type out an introduction because I’m just WAY TOO EXCITED to fill you in on this conference! I think I’ll start with general questions/answers that I’ve been asked since attending…

    What is Create Cultivate?

    Create & Cultivate is an online platform and offline conference for women looking to create & cultivate the career of their dreams. We host conferences nationwide where thousands of women gather to hear the best in the biz.

    This is a 365 day conversation around being a modern woman in the working world…

    We gather the next generation of curious creatives, entrepreneurs and bosses to spark conversation around the topics they are passionate about from building your business to raising money, we hit all the topics for modern working women.

    At Create & Cultivate you are destined to meet other talented, like-minded women, all while learning tips and tricks from some of the best in the business. Attendees get access to a highly curated, impactful one-day program of workshops, mentor sessions, and panels, as well as delicious cocktails, food, pop-up shops, photo booths, gift bags, and more.

    Our attendees come to feel inspired, enhance their business, mix, mingle and cultivate new friendships in an amazing and beautiful environment!”

    Where is this conference?

    “Create & Cultivate has taken place all over the country from Atlanta to Brooklyn to Los Angeles to Chicago and continues two times a year, nationwide. The event hosts 1500 + women and sells out within weeks of launching.  Our lineup is killer with C&C alumni including:

    Would you recommend it?

    1 million percent HELL. YES. Like, just get your butt in that room. & it’s not just for bloggers/influencers. It’s for ANYONE! You will leave that conference on fire and so motivated! There is literally not a single detail that wasn’t executed to perfection. From the backdrops (oh. em. gee! see pictures below) to the speakers to the booths to the other women attendees you make friends with… it’s just the best event I’ve ever attended. I would pay the money again in a heartbeat. AND I will whenever the next conference is! I have a feeling I’ll be bringing some girls with, too 🙂

    [ the conference deets ]

    Friday night, there was a C&C Happy Hour for attendees at the WeWork in Chicago. You get to mix, mingle and network with everyone the night before the conference. It’s so much fun!

    • Linking my dress here

    Saturday, plan for your day to be filled to the brim with an awesome agenda! C&C will send you the lineup and a guide of “what to expect” before you get to the conference! Breakfast, lunch and break food was all provided. You will have mentor sessions, panels with keynote speakers. There will be AMAZING businesses there with booths set up everywhere. They will have happies/samples for you, some will fix your hair for you, do your makeup for you, ALL THE WORKS…

    My outfit is linked below.

    Tips when you go:

    1. Spend the extra money for VIP. It’s worth it. You have the ability to choose which “track” you want (there was one track that pertained more to me, my goals, and what I wanted to learn), you get to choose your one-on-one mentors (I got to pick 2 bloggers/influencers that I loved already and learn from them and ask them questions!), access to a VIP section
    2. Have business cards to hand out
    3. Pay attention to the time and make sure you move around to all the break-out sessions of panel speakers that you wanted to listen to!
    4. EVERYTHING is IG-worthy. E V E R Y T H I N G. (okay this isn’t a tip or trick, but rest up and enjoy!)

    Make sure to visit to learn more and follow them on Instagram to stay in the know for the next conference (tickets sell out quick!). Hopefully I will see you there!! Any questions you have, drop them below! 🙂

