Monthly Archives

September 2017

    Rylee + Cru Fall 2017

    I T ‘ S   A   G I V E A W A Y ,   Y ‘ A L L !

    I’m so excited to have teamed up with two of my favorites, Laurel with THE HIVE blog & Katie with Row 10 Baby, to bring you an incredible giveaway celebrating Rylee & Cru’s phenomenal fall line! Laurel and I are EACH giving away $175 to Row 10. So there will be TWO lucky winners!

    How precious are Wilson, Lily Ryan, and Vivienne in their Rylee + Cru outfits from Row 10?! ALL the heart eyes. So, in case you skipped right over it, Laurel & I are giving you the chance to win $175 to Row 10 Baby! Row 10 carries a ton of stylish brands. They have baby clothes, bows, shoes, bibs, swaddles, books, and so much more! Such an awesome store to have in the south! Don’t live in town? No worries, they offer free shipping on any order! And every online order receives a discount code for a future order! Time to fill up your little one’s closet! Head over to my Instagram to enter, @lifewithmeag.

    Hannah, thank you for working your magic & capturing these incredible pictures! <3

